The main paper on REEF is:
REEF: Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework, Markus Weimer et al. ACM SIGMOD Industrial Track, 2015. [pdf][bib]
Please cite this paper when you mention REEF.
Other publications:
Salmon: Towards Production-Grade, Platform-Independent Distributed ML, Mikhail Bilenko et al. ICML Machine Learning Systems workshop, 2016. [pdf][bib]
Dolphin: Runtime Optimization for Distributed Machine Learning, Byung-Gon Chun et al. ICML Machine Learning Systems workshop, 2016. [pdf][bib]
Towards Geo-Distributed Machine Learning, Ignacio Cano et al. NIPS Learning Systems workshop, 2015. [pdf][arXiv][bib]
Elastic Distributed Bayesian Collaborative Filtering, Alex Beutel et al. NIPS Distributed Machine Learning and Matrix Computations workshop, 2014. [pdf][bib]
Towards Resource-Elastic Machine Learning, Shravan Narayanamurthy et al. NIPS BigLearn workshop, 2013. [pdf][bib]
Distributed and Scalable PCA in the Cloud, Arun Kumar et al. NIPS BigLearn workshop, 2013. [pdf][bib]